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A Look at the Famous Monte Carlo Casino

One of the most famous attractions in Monaco is the historic Monte Carlo Casino (Casino de Monte Carlo). This gambling facility, which comprises a complex of buildings that houses the casino and a ballet house, was commissioned by Prince Charles III following the legalization of gambling by Prince Florestan I in 1854.  In 1898, a concession was granted to the Societe des Bains de Mer to operate the casino – and it has been doing so until today. Ironically, residents of Monaco are not allowed to enter the gambling rooms in the casino.

Casino Games

The games on offer at the famous Monte Carlo Casino are played out in six distint areas. European and English roulette, ‘trente et quarante’ and Punto Banco are played in the Salon Europe.  The Salons Prives is home to European roulette, chemin de fer and Punto Banco.  The Salle des Ameriques is the place to head for to play blackjack, craps and American roulette, while slot games are played in the Salle Blanche and the Atrium. Super prives rooms are available on request.

Why Visit?

One of the more obvious reasons to visit the Casino de Monte Carlo is its great range of casino games to play. However, even if you aren’t into gambling, the whole experience of visiting this casino is quite incredible. The complex is one of the most opulent and expensive in the world, from the stunning architecture done by Charles Garnier, right down to the most luxurious toilets ever seen!

Casino de Monte Carlo is the perfect place to people watch. Visitors from all over the world come to this casino to try their luck at the games or simply visit the stunning complex. Take a seat at one of the discreet bars or lively cafes and take in the international atmosphere. And if watching people is not your ‘thing’, you might want to check out the ferraris and other luxury cars parked almost nonchantly on the streets!

The casino also served as a setting for several James Bond movies, including Never Say Never Again and Golden Eye, and served as an inspiration for Ian Fleming’s first Bond novel, Casino Royale.

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  1. Famous Casino Cheat: Joseph Jagger | Casino B Blog linked to this post on November 21, 2010

    […] hired six men to secretly record the outcomes of the six available roulette wheels at the famous Beaux-Arts Casino in Monte Carlo. After examining the findings, Jagger discovered that one out of the six wheels was definitely […]

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