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Are Online Casinos Really Safe?

The answer to the question of online casino safety is more complex than a simple yes or no. First, not all online casinos are created equal. The vast majority of online casinos are trusted, but there are some rogue online casinos. Rogue online casinos generally do not cheat within the games. They generally only create trouble when players try to make a withdrawal, particularly of a large sum of money. Before you make a deposit at an online casino, google the name of the casino to see if other players have had difficulties making withdrawals or have had accounts frozen randomly.

In general, casinos use a reliable random number generator (RNG) which is tested by an independent auditor. There have been virtually no reports of problems with RNGs at online casinos, although some players complain about unlikely combinations. Simply put, every unlikely combination will occur at some point even with a good RNG.

Casinos don’t make their money by cheating players. They make money because the games have a house edge. A completely honest casino that plays by the rules and has good odds can still be a very profitable business, so there are plenty of online casinos that are completely straight with you. Even so, they may seem to make offers that are too good to be true. Every casino has a deposit bonus that promises you hundreds of dollars for free. First, the money is never just given away, it is always contingent upon a deposit. Second, the betting requirements are always so high that it is statistically highly likely that you will end up with less than you originally deposited by the time you have met the requirements.

While most casinos do not steal and do use a reliable random number generator, there are some things to watch out for. For example, if you’re playing regular blackjack, you should make sure that blackjack pays out 3:2 instead of 1:1, because some online blackjack games use odds that make the house edge bigger. You should choose European roulette over American roulette, because the American version has two house numbers while the European has only one. You should also check the payout schedules of video poker games before you play to make sure they’re as good as they should be.

The majority of online casinos are honest, and they’ll let you play a fun game and have a good time, but the internet allows anyone to put up a site anywhere, so be sure to only go to well-established, safe online casinos when you want to make a deposit and play for real.

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  1. Cashing Out at an Online Casino | Casino B Blog linked to this post on June 10, 2010

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