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Online Gambling and SAHMs

Players from all over the world, and from all walks of life, benefited hugely when online gambling was introduced in the mid 1990s.  One segment of the population in particular which greatly benefited from the opportunity to gamble from home was that of SAHMs or Stay at Home Moms.  Before having kids, these women had the physical freedom to walk into the closest land casino and spin the slot reels or play blackjack to their hearts’ content. But after giving birth and making the decision to spend those first precious years at home with their kids, these women suddenly found themselves slightly more restricted in terms of freedom of movement and the luxury of time.  When they did have a couple of hours free, whether it was thanks to babysitters, moms or better halves, these women used their time to run chores or catch up with friends. Somehow gambling took a back seat.

Fast forward to the introduction of online gambling, and suddenly everything changed for these women. For the first time in their lives, they could enjoy real gambling for real money from the comfort of their own homes, in between diaper changing, morning naps and yet another load of washing.  SAHM’s have plenty of options available to them, and we took a look at some of the more popular ones:

Online bingo

Bingo has always been more attractive to women than men, which explains why most online bingosites are frequented by women. SAHM’s, especially, love the social vibes of these sites, where they can feel part of a community, without the need to leave their homes. Buzzing chat rooms take the edge off the cabin fever sometimes felt by these moms, while the lower cost of tickets make it the perfect choice for households-on-a-tight-budget.

Online Slots

Slot games are a great choice for SAMH’s because they are quick to play, easy to learn and could result in super payouts. Choose from a fantastic range of themes and bonus features to make those moments count.

Online Keno

Lottery type keno games are an excellent choice for SAMHs as they are fast to play, require no skill and can be enjoyed at any time of the day or night.

Posted in Gambling, Online Casinos.

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