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About was started to help simplify the information on the internet about casino bonuses.  If you have ever played at an online casino before, you will know how confusing the bonuses can be, and in some cases can turn out to be a negative thing to get!  Our goal is to try and make it as easy as possible for online casino players to understand what exactly they will receive when making their first deposit on a site.  We have also created a ranking system to help players find the best online casinos depending on where they are located, what games they want to play, and what deposit method they plan to use.

Shortly after launching the site we decided to add our casino blog to post fun casino industry related items.  From players getting screwed out of jackpots, funny things happening in casinos, players hitting huge jackpots and much more our goal is to create an entertaining blog that casino players will enjoy reading on a regular basis.  Of course we will also keep you up to date with the latest casino bonus news, and any other cool things going on at various casinos online.

I hope you enjoy the site and of course we would love to hear your feedback so please comment on our posts!


CasinoB Team

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