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Dispelling Popular Gambling Myths

Gambling is a pastime that is so dictated by elements of luck and chance, that it is not surprising that that so many superstitions and myths have popped up over the years that apply to it. I’ve heard some incredible myths in my time, and have therefore decided once and for all to examine what is fact and what is fiction.



True or False?

Myth: You can’t trust an online casino

Answer: False, false, false! The vast majority of online casinos are highly trustworthy entities that take their businesses and reputations very seriously. Online casinos are, for the most, licensed and regulated by respected gambling jurisdictions and regularly audited by third party authorities. Casinos that are powered by top software groups such as Microgaming and Cryptologic are definitely worth checking out.

Myth: It’s worth playing at a slot machine that hasn’t paid out in a long time as it is due to do so any minute.

Answer: False! No matter how long you’ve played at a machine, you can never predict when it’s going to hit due to one simple reason – the Random Number Generator. This piece of technology essentially ensures that thousands of random numbers are generated each minute, and the reels slot spinning on a totally random basis.  You can hit the jackpot now and it can hit again in another few minutes!

Myth: Singing while you gambling brings bad luck.

Answer: False! While many gamblers believe that singing or humming brings with it bad luck, nobody has ever managed to prove this and is obviously considered an old wives tale.

Myth: Wearing red while gambling brings good luck.

Answer: Unsure. Asian culture swears by the color red as being one of luck – and who are we to argue! If wearing a red shirt at that blackjack table brings you more luck than usual, there’s no harm in doing so!

Myth: Being paid in $50 notes brings you bad luck.

Answer: False. This is another old wive’s tale, which is, unfortunately quite popular among gamblers at casinos. Many people simply refuse to get paid out in $50 and will rather opt to receive smaller notes instead.

Posted in Casino, News, Online Casinos.

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