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The Smallest Casino in Vegas

I flew down to Vegas last weekend for a conference, and spent a couple of days in a blissful aura of good company, great food and amazing casino action. I did really well at blackjack this time around, and practicing at online casinos has definitely helped. Before going home, one of the other attendees asked if I wanted to do something ‘touristy’ and so we decided to visit the smallest casino in Vegas, Slots-A-Fun.

So, first a bit of history about the place. Until last year, Slots-A-Fun was its own separate entity and could boast to being the official ‘smallest casino in Las Vegas’.  The casino was founded by Carl Thomas in the 1970’s, who had his own links to a mafia family that operated casinos on the Strip. Thomas eventually landed up in jail for his role in scheme orchestrated by the mafia to try and skim money off casinos in the area.

Despite its shady ownership, Slots-A-Fun was considered a really cool place to play, as you could find some of the lowest odds in the whole of Vegas. Those who were looking for a great night out without putting a dent in their budget, where they could enjoy super slots and blackjack entertainment, had it all under one roof at Slots-A-Fun. 

The cheap food and drink prices at Slots-A-Fun were also legendary, and for many years, early morning gamblers who had enjoyed a full night of fun at the casino were given free bags of popcorn as a perk. 

 All that changed in 2009 when it was swallowed by Circus Casino as part of a re-brand process. I found the place dingy, while the service was, shall we say, in need of improvement. However, it still has a charm of its own and we could truly boast afterwards that we had played in the smallest casino in Vegas. Look out for the low limit tables, which still exist despite the takeover. If you’re looking to enjoy Vegas entertainment on a (very) low budget, and want to brag about it afterwards, a visit to Slots-A-Fun should be on the tables for you.

Posted in Casino, Las Vegas.

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3 Responses

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  1. Will says

    Hey that is a great little Casino in that you can fool long hot dog for $1.00! The slots are a blast, too. I never miss Slots of Fun when I’m in Las Vegas.

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